January 31, 2011

relaxation - a monday.

today was a FULL day.
my wonderful, fabulous, lovely, coveted DAY OFF. mondays are MY DAY. and i love that.
my goal for mondays will be laundry. relaxing. biblestudy. reading. and a morning coffee date with one of my sisters - phoebe.

today ended up being more full than that. i had my wonderful coffee date with phoebe
one of my favorite ladies, and one of my *new* favorite beverages:
nonfat caramel americano misto

then it was off to the dermatologist
who is probably the strangest person i have ever met. you sit in a chair beside his desk & he talks into a microphone attached to his computer. the computer types as he talks, so he says things like "period" or "new paragraph". when he's diagnosing you he says something like this:
"january 31st 2011 period
a 25 year old female has returned for a followup appointment regarding siskeosnaiwhpsia (or whatever diagnosis he makes up!) period
new paragraph
my recommendation to her is that she should begin taking advil again and if the leg swells up again she should call me immediately period"
and the whole time he's talking he just stares at you. super weird.

anyway, then it was off to reitmans, where the mennonite in me had a major party. i purchased 2 winter coats, a scarf and a pair of earrings for.... 58 dollars!! and the one coat was originally 170. that my friends, is bargain shopping.

then i embarked on my very first solo costco expedition. that is dangerous my friends.  by the end i could barely push my cart it was so full.. the only downside of that trip was having to unload the car alone when i got home. cat litter is HEAVY!

then i kicked into relaxation mode. enjoying a few of my favorite things:

  • a good book (currently reading eat pray love by elizabeth gilbert)
  • a hot bath in my wonderfully deep & big bath tub
  • an episode of the gilmore girls
  • a few slices of dried mango
  • snuggling with both of my sleepy kittens (chips & chandler)
  • an episode of project runway
  • and a deliciously refreshing rum & diet pepsi
soon i will be at bible study, which i am always terribly excited for
and (on a much different, more worldly side of me) my pvr will be taping the newest episode of the bachelor which i will watch with my husband later.

ahh the joy of mondays.


christine said...

are we related? like seriously.

your doc freaks ME out and i wasn't even in the room!!strange....
next time, you should start whistling a tune for background music.

Leah said...

what a GREAT day :)