June 8, 2011

p as in phoebe, h as in heebe, o as in oh-bee, e as in ee-bee, b as in beebee and e as in... 'ello there mate!

today is another birthday of someone that i LOVE so much.

my dear sissy, phoebe! (*disclaimer, the term sissy is used in love. i am in no way calling her a weakling, my sissy has muscles! for whatever reason it's become my term of endearment for her)

i am a very fortunate & blessed girl. finding such a wonderful friend in my sister-in-law Leah was a gift. i realize that this kind of friendship doesn't always happen. so when i thought about who i would marry, i always hoped that i would have this blessing again. and my hopes came true in michael's sister phoebe. we had a bit of a "rough" start i suppose, phoebe was in a weird spot, as she had been gone in africa the entire year that michael and i started getting interested in one another. also, because of the age difference between michael and i, phoebe is a younger sister to me, but older sister to michael! however, these bumps in the road were quickly smoothed out, and now i don't know what i'd do without phoebs. we love to talk, pray, sing, cry, relax, camp, drink coffee, bake, watch tv/movies together. you name it, we love to do it together. i am so thankful that i was given a second sister-in-law best friend. something i do not take for granted.

i admire my sister phoebe for her hard work & perseverance (especially this last year with finishing her honors degreen in science, her med school prep, interview & patience in the process). i admire her faith & her commitment to others, especially with prayer.  i admire her ability to laugh easily, and cry openly, it's a cool thing about our relationship that we can be open on both ends of the emotional spectrum. i admire her crazy biking skills and that biking over the disraeli is no biggie for her! i just really love her.

happy birthday to my dear sissy. my little h-hyphen. happy birthday. i love you lots and i'm SO glad you're my sister. no matter what happens next year with school or work, we'll have a fun year :)

1 comment:

Phoebe said...

Thank you! I love you lots too and am also SOOOOOOO glad God gave me you as my sister!!!!!!!