June 21, 2011

manipping ribs, hanging with chad and dreaming of houses.

i'm a pretty inconsistent blogger
i go through phases of writing all the time, and then almost of forgetting about it completely
kind of annoying i suppose, but i think i'd rather it be like that then for me to write because i HAVE to and then i just ramble on about nothing... :)

i have been in pain for the last almost 3 weeks. i woke up one morning with a terrible pain in my neck, like i must have slept on it funny. that day i went to the chiropractor, and it helped, but it was still there. the following week i went to the massage therapist. again, help, but not perfect. so i went to the chiropractor again, more relief but not gone... so i finally decided to add physio to my list of solution efforts. i went to see my cousin jason, i am always so impressed by how much he knows, and how gentle his approach is.  it's amazing how someone can put you at ease while they are manipulating your limbs in strange ways.
anyway, long story short, jason discovered that my first rib on my right side is sitting quite a bit higher than my left side. messing up the muscles that run along my neck and pinching nerves. fancy that! because i have a chiropractor, jason wouldn't manipulate my rib himself.. i'm going to see the chiro on thursday, but if i still have no relief, jason will be "manip-ping" my ribs very soon.

in other non-painful news, chad is back for a visit!! it is always so good to have him back. we are selfishly hoping that next time he's back for good. i've offered to try and find him a wife to sweeten the deal of staying put :)
i love when he comes back because he has so many stories of what God is doing in him, his team and the people in alaska. very cool stories. i'm always so happy for michael when chad is back because he is one of his closest friends and I know it can be hard for michael to have chad so far away. we spent the evening at his place, being treated to delicious food from his parents, and many antics of trying to extinguish the rabbit population in their back yard.. and a few good jumps on the trampoline.

also lately, michael and i are doing a lot of dreaming about building a house. ripping pictures out of magazines and news papers. talking about layouts and styles. it is so fun to dream. that dream could become a reality fairly soon.. i'm trying to be patient!

it is so fun to dream :)


Chad said...

whale oil sugar cookies might sweeten the deal too.

ashleymarie said...

mail me some whale oil and i'll mail you back the cookies :) so i can perfect the recipe for when you are back to stay!