June 22, 2011

musical photogenic sugar dreams

there are a few things that i dream about doing
let me start by saying i am very happy where i am at, the job that i have, the home i live in, my wonderful hubby, even my crazy cats. 
sometimes it is fun to dream, one of those "if you could do anything you wanted, regardless of money etc. what would you do" well, i have narrowed mine down to 3.. for today :)

dream 1:
a musician. i dream of having the opportunity to travel around from cafe to cafe, with my voice, my guitar and my binder of songs. singing to a small crowd of coffee drinkers, people chatting and visiting with friends, those lost in a good book or just enjoying watching the crowd. i dream of singing rich folky music, some of my own songs, and songs of faith. i dream of being a natural on the guitar and feeling totally comfortable in front of a crowd. singing to my hearts content. 

dream 2:
a traveling photographer. not a paid one necessarily, but one that has the time and the means to travel all over the world, capturing people and moments thru my camera lens. meeting people, learning their stories, and catching glimpses of them on film. seeing the world, large cities and small unknown towns. diving into local culture and sharing my life with others. for the fun, not for an monetary gain. i'd love to make books or host open galleries where people could come and glimpse these photos, and learn about the people, read the stories, see the sights. sharing lives. 

dream 3:
a cupcake baker. or just a baker in general. i could never work in a bakery because you have to get up at unholy hours, like 3 or 4 am. no thank you. but, i would love to work somewhere that i could experiment with flavors and decorations, making new and interesting combinations. baking and sharing these treats with anyone and everyone. i love baking, and i love being able to give it away and share it with others. plus, it is so tasty. i dream that one day this can become somewhat of a reality when my mom's retreat house is opened up and i can contribute with baking of muffins, cookies, scones and the occasional sweet treat like cupcakes. sweet treats.

so, those are my three dreams for today. it's fun to dream larger than life. to find small ways to make these dreams realities within my current life. yesterday i made granola. today i plan on spending a few hours playing my guitar. and maybe this weekend i'll be able to photograph people that i love. tis good to dream on such a lovely rainy afternoon.

1 comment:

Phoebe said...

I'm thinking "Don't stop believing!!!!!" Maybe someday you'll do it ALL :)