July 20, 2009

another monday

another monday at the beginning of a very hard week.
i can not believe it's been a year.
this week last year i was in such a different spot than this year
but, one thing is, i definitely know love a lot more tangibly than i did this time last year
but i've never felt so robbed of the privilege to give that love to the one it's intended for!
it's not fair

i was explaining how i am feeling to my caregroup last night. they were supportive listeners and then prayed together with us. thank you Jesus for friends who haven't forgotten about me
i feel that i know that i am loved, and i know that God can handle my anger and frustration
but i still just don't get it. it just is not fair and my heart just can not believe the reality of our situation
so raw

i decided to finally go see the chiropractor, i've been feeling nausea in the mornings (not pregnant just to clear that up). something in my back cracked about 3 weeks ago and it's been making me feel sick every morning. so dr wiebe did some scans and xrays today and tomorrow i will go see him again and see what the plan is

i am very thankful for my husband. i don't think i say that enough.
i've taken quite a few pictures lately and will add them onto here for any who would like to see
it is good to enjoy life giving moments, it helps me to not let my grief take me over

enjoy a little glimpse of some people that i love. i would have pics of my family up here but i left my camera in the car during the stampede.
camping with the thiessen's old bible study group. so good to have chad back :)when i took michael on a picnic he found something to climb. i think he is part monkey.
at half moon checking out the rainbow, right before we found out there was no power at halfmoon so we could only have icecream and had to pay with cash. it was a group effort.my man... down by the river behind half moonlaughing. we took lots of pictures on our picniccarmyn booking baseball tickets for us, while at her apartment!the guys (mike, andrew and james) skipping rocks on the river
we were pretty happy to be in the sun, after we had done a garbage cleanup and ran away from the start of a thunderstorm... only getting a little wet. then after some icecream and sun we were happy still.

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