June 29, 2009

5 days in 1

man, some days i'm no good at this blogging thing
i had a schedule and everything!
oh well, i have had quite the nice little weekend
thursday night michael and i led worship with tracy and then we went to uncle tim and auntie jody's for a family get together (it was a pool party, but we missed the swimming)
saw kaleb and hayden for a little bit, wow they are growing. hayden looks just like mel, it's crazy

i literally can not wait until december... josh and leah's baby has no idea how many kisses it will get from it's auntie ashley... what a christmas blessing

then on friday morning i went and saw grandma while michael got us some coffee. she is doing so much better... it's amazing. i just love visiting with her, i'm excited for her to be at home so that there aren't "visiting hours" and she'll be closer so i can just pop in after work for visits
then we were off to the lake, i just love being at the lake
we visited
we went on the boat
we ate delicious meals
we listened to music
leah and i floated on her new floaty and laughed a lot
we napped
we talked
we celebrated father's day
and we went to sleep!

saturday was a very rainy stormy day. i literally love rainy stormy days. i really really do. i think i would love living in BC. michael thinks i'd get bored of it, but i just really enjoy it
the power went out after breakfast, so we tried to read by the light coming from outside
i finished my book, we had more naps and then packed up
sunday was church, lunch at the thiessen's, visit to the hospital, clean up the house and we went to see Transformers! it was really good, and it was all "free" because we still have gift certificates!!
it was all very good, and we finished the weekend off with peppermint tea at starbucks... always a good ending.

daily inspirations that i've been reminded by, 5 for the last 5 days i missed:
  • build a sandcastle --- oh i love being at the beach. somewhere hot and tropical. i bought passionfruit soap the other day just so i could imagine being in the dominican republic!
  • say please and thank you --- it just makes life that much better!
  • breathe deeply --- enjoy the moment, take a minute to look around, enjoy those around you! and tell them!
  • celebrate little victories --- little milestones, hard tasks, it's good to celebrate
  • visit a museum --- ok not my favorite thing, because a lot of museums can be quite dull. but i've been going to the mennonite heritage museum every year for the last 4 years in a row, and it is quite fun.
i would also really like to go to the states and see one of those wax museums. pretend to meet all the celebs.

also... this is the size of my neice or nephew right now... !!!

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