June 10, 2009

plant trees... (lots of them)

so, i've never actually planted a tree myself
nor have i ever had the desire to be a "tree planter" and go basically live in the mud for a few months
but i do like the idea of planting things, and more recently planting things in my yard

my caregoup came over the other day and laughed at my sad little flower bed, with one teeny tiny plant in it. my flower beds are actually quite large, but all i had at the time was this little purple plant that has since died, ok not a good start

so yesterday michael and i went to rona and roamed around their garden section
we didn't stay too long because it was cold, and we were hungry... it was 8:30 and neither of us had eaten since lunch time so, we were on the verge of hunger grumpiness.
but we roamed for a little while and plan on going again next week

we are going to pick out 2-3 shrubs, and as many colorful flower plants as i can fit in my front flower bed. not only that but we are going to build a little flower bed in the backyard against the fence and fill that with color, and life!

we are very excited. and... i even contemplated an apple tree. and then i could get my grandma to pass on her recipes for applesauce, apple juice, pie filling and just general mennonite apple goodness!! it would be a good investment...

i could go into a different spin on planting trees, talking about the way that God allows us to plant seeds in the lives of other people but quite frankly i have to be out the door in 3 minutes and really shouldn't be writing right now anyway!

if you are reading this.. come over in a week. maybe i'll be ready to show you all my colorful flowers by then!! :)

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