June 12, 2009

push the envelope

this is one of those phrases that i always sort of knew what it meant, but wasn't ever fully sure

so i googled it (which is my solution to figuring out most things that I don't know about)
and here is some of what I found:

  • To exceed the existing limits in a certain field; be innovative.
  • This means to go to the limits, to do something to the maximum possible.
  • push the envelope, to stretch established limits, as in technological advance or social innovation.
  • to exceed normal limits. Pushing the envelope is a term adapted from aviation. The term implies a sense of risk at transcending the normal safe limits of operation.
  • idiom to go beyond established limits; to pioneer
which is basically what i thought to begin with. i don't think that i'm much of the "pushing the envelope" type, although i have been known to be strong willed and stand up for what i believe... maybe perhaps exceeding the limits people would like me to have. But i think that pushing the envelope is a good thing to strive for.

my mom likes to say "go big or go home" and has chosen to live that out in her life. in my opinion, my mom is an envelope pusher (that makes it sound like it could be a negative thing, but its not), you see she exceeds the limits, she moves beyond her comfort zone, she stretches herself to serve Jesus, and to serve others, sometimes even stretches too far. But she does not settle. and that, is a gift!

i would think that would be one reason why she fell in love with my dad, because he is a guy that is always striving for more, to do better, be faster, serve more. he is an encourager, and a do-er. he is the definition of non-lazy, and has the best 'get it done' attitude. my parents have modeled for us a lifestyle to strive for more, especially in ways to know, love and serve Jesus.

i actually think that most of my family is the push the envelope type, and maybe i shouldn't have been so quick so say that i'm not that type, because in many ways I am. I just feel like i have so much room to grow and become more like that, so i'm not quite there yet

but i wish everyone in the world could have known my grandpas. it is no wonder to me that my parents are the way they are. poppa was always thinking of new ideas, starting them and nurturing them. he dreamed big and followed through. anyone who knows my brother in a way knows my poppa, in so many ways they are one in the same!

grandpa klassen was the hardest working man i know, hard working, tough, persistent but gentle, and loving and servant hearted. he pushed the limits for himself all the time.

what a rich heritage.

i think it is good to set goals for ourselves, and to push to exceed them. to go big or go home, rather than sliding in and out of one day to the next.

i think my mom's retreat vision is pushing the envelope, but we are so blessed that we will be able to see that come to fruition, and see the joys and blessings of letting God push us even further than we know how! for anyone that isn't sure what i mean about the retreat vision, check out this website: http://womenrefreshed.wordpress.com

pushing the envelope. seeking after more. pioneering. exceeding. maximizing. risking...
time to go for it!


Anonymous said...

Ashes, thank you for your words - all I can say is TO GOD BE THE GLORY! He is the lifter of my head, the one who gives strength - and the one who lays the vision in our hearts.

And about Poppa and Grandpa - couldn't agree more.
love you. Mom

joyklassen@hotmail.com said...

not sure why it went as anonymous on the comment!