June 9, 2009

enjoy simple pleasures... seek out the good

so, i've already missed a day... not a great start but oh well
i'll do two pages in one post, kind of cheating my own little schedule, but it doesn't bother me, so i think we're ok.

see, i've realized that there are 120 different "daily inspirations" and that could take me a good 4 months to complete, so sometimes I'll have to do two in one, so that I don't get too far behind.

enjoy simple pleasures...
this is me! i'm kind of a no fuss kind of girl. i mean, i love doing extravagant things, or making a big deal out of gifts and events etc but when it boils down to it, i love simple
i love doing the same thing over and over again, going to the same places, eating the same suppers, watching the same movies because it's simple, and no fuss, and it's peaceful

simple pleasures to me are: sitting in my parents gazebo, sipping giant mugs of peppermint tea or black coffee, watching you've got mail, fever pitch or bewitched, driving to the lake, camping in a tent, grocery shopping (most days), ordering chinese food and watching friends with michael, mowing the lawn, singing, listening to josh and leah's jokes, hugs, sitting with my grandma

no fuss, just natural. simple simple simple and so life giving and.. peaceful. i know i said that already, but it pours peace into my soul!

which i guess naturally leads into the second one, seek out the good.

things, simple things, can become so enjoyable when you seek out the good in them. for example, seeking out the good in ordering chinese food and watching tv with michael looks like this (to me): we put on our comfy clothes, and don't worry about "dressing up", my husband never looks better than he does in his sweats and t shirts, just being him. we sit on the floor and jokingly argue over what to order and who has to actually call. we trade food from our meals so that each person gets extra of what they really like. we attempt to eat with chopsticks, and laugh when we make a mess. we watch the same old familiar show and recite the lines before they happen. we sip some wine and pretend to be fancy, we laugh and enjoy and go to sleep later feeling like that was a good night. it is something we enjoy, because we've found the good in it.

i also feel like God has given me the gift of being able to see the good in people, even in bad or stressful situations. i think that is part of empathy and sensitivity. i also know that sometimes that opens a person up to be hurt, because it's often linked to being too trusting. BUT 9 times out of 10 if you choose to look for more good things in a person, you will find them. and how could that not be worth it?

1 comment:

Kara said...

I like this post a lot Ashley. Perhaps because I can identify with it. I like simple. I am all about the simple, the comfortable and the routine. Sometimes it presents some challenges when I need to be stretched out of that comforting place, but for the most part it has been life giving to be simple.

Blessings to you today!