July 13, 2011

two hundred

today i am writing my 200th post on this blog
thank you to all of you that read my blog, i always appreciate any comments or things that people have to say after reading my thoughts

i wanted to write something special for my 200th post.. thought about writing a list of 200 things. but that is A LOT of things. so instead, i thought i'd make a list of things that i've done at least 200 times aka things that i like, or do a lot, or important things in my life :)

i have been married for more than 200 days. 1020 days to be exact! wonderful days :)

i know at least 200 songs. when i first started getting to know michael's family really well mike's dad (elmer) started realizing how many songs i actually know. i remember that we were watching the weather station on tv, well we had it on in the background and we were all sitting around chatting, and i was just singing along with whatever song came on. elmer looked at me after a while and said "i'm convinced that you know EVERY song in the world" he was amazed that no matter what song came on, i was able to sing along to. i have a great memory when it comes to music, probably because singing is my favorite thing to do!

i am sure, without a doubt, that i have told Everett that i love him more than 200 times. i'm pretty sure i say it dozens of times each time i see him. he is just the sweetest thing in the whole world. and now that he's older, and has such a unique personality, he makes me laugh and smile, and just melts me. i've been an auntie for 1084 days, lots of time to learn new ways to love!!

i have forsure baked more than 200 cookies. baking is just such a fun activity. i'd love to have the chance to bake more, and experiment with flavors & combinations. that's why i watch so many baking shows (i like them enough to put up with my husbands mockery of me!) i love seeing the things that people know how to create in the kitchen.

200+ times, i have been lost in worship. lost in a good way. just overwhelmed and in awe of God. my head hurts if i try to think about the concept of "forever" for too long, it is outside of my human understanding. however, if i think about the fact that i will just be lost in awe & worship.. forever seems to short!

200 cups of coffee. hot & black or iced, sweetened & with milk. coffee is so wonderful because it can be enjoyed alone, with a good book, on a rainy day, with a friend, a pot shared with family, iced on the back porch with my sister, in a coffee shop while people watching. the opportunities are endless.

200 games or puzzles have been played & solved by me. i'm a sucker for a good puzzle/game. i love sudoku, solitaire, rushhour & TETRIS

i hope that i have read 200 books in my life. i LOVE to read, but often forget how much i love it. i recently decided to finally start reading my harry potter books. (i bought the whole set for $5 at a garage sale. talk about a steal! a few of the books were originally 40 dollars each!) and i just whipped through the first one, and can hardly wait to start on the second one. i love being lost in a book.

200 is like a drop in the bucket when i think of how many wonderful times i've spent with my family. good talks, hard talks, silly joking around, making music, relaxing, playing games, boating, drinking coffee, praying.. where would i be without them?

i could probably go on and on about things that i love. i could probably make a list of 200 things that i've done more than 200 times. but let's face it, i don't want to write it, and you probably don't want to read it.  and that's a-ok with me :)

200... spanning over the last 3 years. lots of good, lots of hard, lots of random. here is to the next 200 posts.


Joy said...

I love you more than 200 which is more than 5!!
love mom

Leah said...

here here!

Mom T said...

Great post - doing some catching up today! They all are but you'd get tired of all my comments!