July 8, 2011

random facts on a friday

exciting things are taking place
dreaming and scheming.. i love it

it's been a good week
spent some time with friends that we hadn't been able to see for awhile
found some good bargains: 2 books for $2 each at chapters, as well as a nice laptop bag for $13
also at chapters, bought a drink at starbucks and was given one of those surveys that if you do it, you get your next drink free. fabulous.

we're getting ready for a weekend at the lake, relaxing and having fun
and i was just told to go home from work as soon as i'm done my friday work.. so, now?

had a visit this morning from my favorite little guy
i gave him a ball made of elastics to play with and he was laughing so hard as he watched it bounce around unpredictably. ev's laugh does wonders on my soul!

it's been a good week, but i'm ready for the relaxing spirit of the lake to take me away.

photobooth pics from the last wedding we were at. the dress - a $6 find at target. awesome!

1 comment:

christine said...

hilarious pictures!! i love the idea of a photo booth at a wedding. very cool.