July 22, 2011

prince albert & banana chocolate cupcakes

friendship & transparency
in a time when it feels like there are less places to be yourself
where it is ok to struggle
or go with out makeup
where it feels like there are less people who want to be real
or ask the harder questions
when so many conversations are a struggle to bite your tongue
or where its easy to be overlooked...
in this time
it is SO good
to have a safe place
where you can be yourself
sipping coffee
oohing and ahhing over a fairytale love
asking deep questions 
over chicken balls & spring rolls
to have something to look forward to all day, all week
a time and place to relax and enjoy
whether you are 26, 29 or 37 
it is good to be among true friends.


christine said...

i got the shivers when i read this....(just like I did when i entered your pink bathroom!).... :)
when i enter a friendship or ride along an old friendship... that is void of anything superficial, complicated or competitive, i rEJOICE!! I sing!! I am so grateful, because in those friendships i feel freedom.
FReedom to be myself. Freedom to know that I am surrounded by people who respect the frailties of my heart and some of the grief of my past...(they GET IT and make me feel safe).
what a richness.
MY kind of royalty. :)
thanks again for the lovely evening. i woke up craving those cupcakes.

Leah said...

you ladies are poets :)

Deanne said...
