July 28, 2011

perfect treat

i'm a coffee drinker
although, since my gall bladder attacks and surgery i have tried to stay away from it (a little!)
i've always enjoyed a good cup of fresh coffee and thankfully have never become "addicted" to it (aka, i don't get headaches if i don't drink it) which has allowed me to drink it as i want to

i've come to appreciate decaf and 'half-caf" (which is easy to do when i have a wonderful mother in law that is always ready with a pot of decaf for the two of us!)
typically i drink my coffee black
or iced with milk and a bit of sweetener
but i used to drink it "double double" and there is something so comforting to be found in a warm, creamy, sweet cup of coffee

i couldn't drink it like that all the time, but it is a treat once and a while

so, why this rant about how i drink my coffee?
well, i was just treated to an xl cup of double double coffee - it was brought in by a very nice gentleman that was here for a meeting, but we had some time to chat while he was waiting. he is new to faith and it is very exciting to hear him talk - last week i overheard him saying that he just wants God to be the only thing people see when they see him. what a desire! and how wonderful that already he's realized that one way to show God to people is through random kindness.

so, as he is meeting and learning more about God's promises
i am sitting here, sipping and enjoying my cup of kindness
creamy & sweet
the perfect treat this morning

God's kindness comes in all kinds of shapes & sizes

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