September 7, 2011

you is kind. you is smart. you is important.

i went to see "the help" on Sunday evening with a group of wonderful girls
it was just as good as i expected (and hoped) it would be
i'm pretty sure we all cried in a few (or a lot) of parts of the movie
one part has stayed in my mind, playing on repeat it seems
it is the part where the maid, aibileen, is talking with the little girl of the family she works for, mae mobley
aibileen has decided that she wants to make sure that, if nothing else, mae mobley learns this about herself: she is kind. she is smart. she is important.  i was able to find a clip of that part, click here to go to that link, it's only a 20 second clip, but it is sweet.

i was struck again at how important it is to speak in love to one another
to tell those people around you, you are SMART. you are IMPORTANT. you are KIND.
today michael stopped by my office to have coffee with me
and out of nowhere he said to me "i just really like you!"
even though I am married to him, and KNOW that he loves me
it was just so nice to hear, out of the blue, that i'm cared about, and important.

words spoken like that are never in vain!

on a totally different note.. yesterday i went back to school!
i just needed to go to get my student ID photo taken, and to buy my books ($$$!)
i was shocked at the fact that i was kind of.. nervous.
this isn't my first year at university. it's my 6th.
i know the halls, i know the teachers... but i'm new
it was good to have my sister phoebe there to keep me company in the long line up
monday is my first day of classes
my first day that i'm not starting with all of my friends
it will be different, but good
i'm looking forward to learning again
one of my classes looks terribly interesting.
and one extremely hard and overwhelming.
but i think it will be good.
here's to the start of a new year!


Kara said...

Enjoy being back at school Ashley. What are you taking?

ashleymarie said...

I'm taking 4 more classes so that i can graduate in april with a 4-year BA in Music and Biblical/Theological Studies.
This semester I'm taking:
The Problem of Evil in a Biblical Perspective
Studies in 19th Century Music

Next semester:
History of Jazz
Biology - The Science of Life

I'm really only excited about the Problem of Evil course, but oh well!!