September 18, 2011

snapshots of summer

today i was walking home from starbucks, listening to my iPod, and enjoying the breeze, and it made me miss the lake. since september has hit, we haven't been back to the lake. it's been nice to get some stuff done around the house on the weekends, but i am not done with the lake yet! since i couldn't get out there this weekend, i decided to post some of my favourite pictures from the summer. you'll notice there are a lot of pictures of everett, and honestly.. it's because he's my favourite thing!!
enjoy the pictures!
 canada day at the farm! this was a very sweet kitten
 the pensive look on ev's face just kills me! he was not so sure about this goat.
 poppa & ev, best buds
 i love watching everett & leah together, such a sweet pair

 my bff & i
 taking ev out on the water

 lots of fun!
 a full boat! even ruth was there that weekend :)
 i love watching ev's face when he sees Josh
 my dad discovered this nest of baby birds right by the cabin!
 when we are away.. the cats will play. came home to this mess of yarn one day.
 a gift from my friend lisa - russian dolls that are measuring cups!
 the next shots are pictures of the perennials that i planted this year!

 doing some organizing one afternoon.. my cat, chips, decided to give me a hand..
 this year i reorganized our bedroom furniture and finally put up pictures from our wedding, i love it.
 PUMPED about his play structure
 this tattoo makes me miss my grandma, in a wonderfully loving, thankful way.
 my mom & her bestie, auntie josie
 my man, showing off his moves!

 i love this one, where he's doing a "yes!" pose for landing a jump!
 we went across the sand bar one day, and i couldn't get over how still the lake was!
 my man and his summer hair! it's all gone now!
 mom & me
 dad & mike checking out the lake
and finally.. the help i get from chandler when i am doing laundry!

happy summer! and this week, happy autumn!!

1 comment:

Audacious said...

The bird nest photo is my favourite.