March 3, 2011

face free

i have officially deleted my facebook
(so did michael)

during my facebook fast, i realized that not many people contacted me on facebook, and i ended up having more time to do other things, both on the internet & not on the internet. i realized how much time i would spend going through people's photo albums, or creeping on their conversations.

i think facebook is a cool thing - watching the social network movie showed how smart the creator of it was - but it's sad to me that it has cheapened some of my relationships, made me frustrated with other relationships, and felt further away from other people - meaning that i would read something about them that they posted publically on facebook that was semi-private and they had never told me that before.

with where i am at in life right now, i feel too fragile for facebook. like i don't know how to use it in a healthy way. i spent too much time comparing relationships, and that never made me feel good! so, i'm not placing judgement on anyone for still using it, because i really do think that at it's core, it's a really fun tool & it helps connect you with people that may otherwise have fallen off your radar.

but i miss the days when my friends would come over to see my photo albums, instead of quickly browsing through my pictures on fb. i miss getting a good, old fashioned invitation in the mail to a party, rather than seeing an "event page". i miss those 'old fashioned' things.

one of the hard things is.. i think that i may get missed on invite lists. or miss hearing about certain details of people's lives that they'll think i know, assuming i'm on facebook! i guess this is a good challenge for me to make sure i take the time to spend with people i care about, asking them about things & showing them my photos in person :)

so - i hope that no one just thinks i "unfriended" them. i am just completely 100% off of it.

my friend audrey sent me these pictures that she made of me yesterday (she was productively working from home, hehehe) - and we joked that since i didn't have a facebook, i couldn't "make it my profile picture" SO i'm posting them on here instead.

from myself & my cartoon self - have a wonderful thursday!!


Krista said...

Ashley, I totally admire this. I've toyed with the idea of deleting facebook for the exact reasons that you just talked about. If I lived closer to all of my good friends and family, then maybe I would. But being out here in Calgary sometimes feels isolating and so I'm glad I have a space like facebook to connect...but you're right, it has to be used properly and not become a time waster! Good for you. I hope you find it to be a happy and freeing experience. :)

Leah said...

that is the perfect cartoon you! i just found out you can get your own bobble head made...but it's like $150 :(

ashleymarie said...

my own bobble head! that would be hilarious.