November 21, 2008

i'm tonsil free!!

so... i'm tonsil free

mom took me this morning to health sciences hospital. i was surprisingly un nervous. i was a little nervous in the morning when i was saying goodbye to michael, there is something about surgery i guess.

well i got there and checked in. didn't have too much of a wait, so that was good. then i was wheeled downstairs to wait. the nurses were super nice and there was one nurse that had the best irish or was it scottish... (not sure, i'm on 2 tylenol 3s right now) accent! it was fabulous.

shortly thereafter a man came and sat beside me to wait. i wasn't really in the most chatty mood... you know with a 48 year old man that i didn't know. so he says "are you nervous?" me: "no not really" him: "well what are you having?" (to which i'm thinking... whoa, a little privacy please), but i smile and politely respond "a tonsillectomy" (now that is a word that makes you sound smart.) i didn't really want to know what he was there for, but i said "well are you nervous?" and he let me know that he was actually quite nervous. then we got into a discussion about how he was having his kidney removed because he had kidney cancer, but he was afraid that they may find more than they bargained for.

i realized at this point that maybe this wasn't about me, but rather about keeping him company and maybe keeping him a little more sane. so we chatted for awhile. the only thing that i wasn't the most fond of was when he said "ya, i was telling my wife this morning that i get the nervous squirts... going to have to go to the bathroom again soon..." maybe too much info.

anyway... then i WALKED into the operating room. i thought that was funny. i joked around with the anesthesiologist for a little while, then he put an oxygen mask on me and told me to breathe from my head all the way into my toes. he was really impressed with my first breath. told me to do one more and then... i woke up! how lovely.

since then i've been feeling a little out of it... and i've been pretty pale apparently. but my mom has been very good at keeping me stocked up with pudding, applesauce, juice, water... you name it. my other mom brought me some flowers and some christmas decorations, which i'm pumped about.

now we (me, michael, mom and dad) are watching our wedding video... well actually just the 10 minute "tour" done by uncle todd... if you haven't seen it, you need to.

ok, that is all. i'm on t-3s so i'm pretty zonked. the pain seems to be all in my left side, especially in my ear and under my jaw. ice seems to help. and no bleeding so far. but it is feeling very hard to swallow. anyway, i need to keep dozing, but just thought i'd throw a random update into cyberspace incase anyone cares to read.

feel free to visit. just know that i'll be kinda out of it.

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