February 25, 2012


inspired by a recent post by my friend christine I was itching to get to my MCC store. So  after work on Thursday I quickly drove over to the store (it's only open till 4, and I work till 3!) It was fun as always. I love browsing, taking my time going down every aisle. It is so fun finding ways to create new "treasures" out of stuff other people didn't want anymore. 
Anyway.. it was a successful trip! Here's what I got:

a perfectly large mason jar. I love mason jars! I have been using them as vases, as a place to fill with twinkle lights in my kitchen. They are perfect for making yogurt and storing left overs or mass amounts of soup. They also make a great container for a gift of soup, jam or a "jar recipe" for cookies. Lately when I get a new 4-L of milk I will pour whatever is left from the previous 4-L into a mason jar with some nestle syrup, and then we get our fix of chocolate milk. yum.
I for one, never have enough decks of cards when I need them. so for a quarter a piece I got 3 more decks. 
cute little teapot - $1!
by far my most expensive purchase of the day at $13 - but it was brand new, in great shape and the perfect colour!
some CD gems! (Plumb; Dave Matthews; Robyn; Hot103 kids songs; Snow Patrol, Frank Sinatra/Bing Crosby Christmas and MAX: My dream to be free)
And to explain my CD "Max: My dream to be free" .. well if you look very closely at this picture of the CD sleeve you'll see yours truly - an 8 year old "Ashley Klassen" - my first bit of "stardom!"

It was a good trip to MCC! Always fun :) You should go!


Becky said...

i MUST get to the thrift store... i need a mason jar for my pasta shells... no joke, i really do!

christine said...

you grabbed some great stuff!! that green casserole dish is incredible!!!! even though it was only $13 and brand new, didn't it feel like you were spending $100 at the MCC?
I walk out of mcc with my bill of $20 and think, man I shouldn't have spent so much! and yet i'm carrying 5 full bags of merchandise!!! :)
SO FUN!!! that mason jar sure is sparkly.

ashleymarie said...

becky - totally, and they sell them for 50 cents!

christine - I totally feel that way with how much i spend there. "$13?! what?! who has money like that!!" is totally my thoughts when I contemplated getting it. Also, my bill was $28... ridiculous! :) we should do some treasure hunting/enabling together!