February 25, 2012

january & february

it's been awhile since I've posted any pictures and they are really starting to collect on my computer! Time to share them. So here is January & February!
 me and my sweet little man. he was saying "cheese" in the picture - just like I told him too!! I love every minute I get to spend with him!
 my big brother turned 30! 'twas a fun night
yup - 30 candles. on a delicious jeanne's cake 
this was our first encounter with the sparkler on steroids - it is crazy! 
 a cake from Phoebe - to "celebrate" us selling our dream car (our Tucson) "Tucker" in January. Sad, but right. 
isn't he the sweetest?? rogie - the sweetest new addition to the klassen family 
look how big he is! ah! he is growing like crazy. 
a zoo!! Ev's favorite toy at granny's (the whole zoo, not just this sweet little penguin) 
a funny valentine from my funny valentine 
 a typical night around here. we have very snuggly cats!
poppa's birthday - waiting for him to come up to see his present! 
the big reveal of the gift! But poppa's eyes were mostly on Ev - he was born to be a poppa! 
our gift to Dad this year - the guys built him an ice fishing shack 
the men - minus Roger 
granny & poppa getting some snuggle time in 
don't you just want to smooch those cheeks?!  
waiting for poppa's sparkler to go off.. not so sure about it all.. 
my man decided to stop shaving & cutting his hair! gotta love him :)
roses from my man 
tulips from my mom & my sweet owls from audrey 
more tulips! 
my sweet little porcelain cat 
my latest pottery creation that I painted at brush fire  
and finally - my hot pink mug! i searched for YEARS for a hot pink mug for one of my besties - shauna. This year I actually found one! Then I decided I wanted to have one too.. so I just got it in the mail. love it!!

now I'm ready for March (and spring!) 

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