June 9, 2010

all things sweet & delicious.

the day is not yet done.. but so far it has been a sweet one.
my lunch is about over, and then i will get back into finishing up one of the many things on my to-do list
i love to-do lists.. well, actually i have a "to do folder" because it's slightly easier to organize, and my thoughtful friend audrey gave me a couple of colorful polkadot folders.. so it just looks a lot nicer on my desk :)

anyway.. this will be a short and sweet post because there are many things to get done this afternoon and i'm excited about seeing that list decrease!

the morning started earlier than normal. i knew this, because i had set my alarm for 35 minutes earlier than normal. on a typical morning i will hit my snooze about 5-6 times (not even exaggerating) and then i race to get ready and out the door on time. so last night when i was going to sleep i told myself to get up with the first alarm. so.. there i was, awake. i changed into my "work out attire" and went downstairs. the cats are so telling of my normal morning routine, that they look completely surprised and confused to see me awake. up before michael. dressed (ha!), and going downstairs to the treadmill. but there i was. and half an hour later i had 2 miles under my belt and i was getting showered and ready for the day.

next it was out the door with me, and it was raining. misting. and i was in one of my favorite plaid shirts (thanks phoebe!) and my poofy vest (i seriously love poofy vests) and i felt cozy warm (contrary to my description.. i am wearing something on my bottom half. but wouldn't that be a sight!) i do love the rain. it seems to cheer me up, unlike how it treats most people! i picked up my carpool and we swung by starbucks for a morning warm up.

work has flowed on, and its good to get stuff finished up.

then lunch. my hubby popped in for a surprise visit, and we went for a quick bite down the street. at lunch another friend popped in to get michael's signature (he's a celebrity! wait.. no it was something for the business) and when we were done eating & went to pay the waitress informed us that our friend had covered the bill. we walked out of there full, satisfied and appreciative of such a nice gesture.

the fresh rain, the good start, the bold coffee, the impromtu visits, the simple & thoughtful gesture... all things sweet & delicious.


Adrienne said...

that sounds like a truly lovely day.

Kara said...

Gotta love the spontaneous and simple things in life!