November 26, 2009

i'm dreaming of a white christmas...

i really am dreaming of a white christmas.
not dreaming about driving in it... but dreaming of being cozy in my living room and watching the flakes float down.

these last couple of days chandler (one of my 2 kittens) has been really interested in what is outside of our house. when i get home i open the front door to get the mail, and the last couple of days he has stopped what he's been doing and bolts over to try and get out of the door. So, yesterday i picked him up and stood outside with him while i got the mail. it was pretty chilly so i think the 30 seconds was enough to satisfy him for the rest of the "winter", not to mention when the snow actually flies!

i officially started my christmas shopping on tuesday, altho i only bought 2 things, and only spent 5 bucks... but still! it's a start. I really do need to get on that.

i love giving gifts. i love dreaming of what to get for people, what to make them. What would really show them that they are special to me, and not just another name on my list of people to buy for. i'm really bad at opening gifts, because i never know what to say when i open them. but i love opening a gift that i KNOW was chosen very specifically for me. i wonder if i could find a job that would allow me to spend all day finding, buying, making gifts for people. that would be the best!

anyway, christmas is so soon, and well the christmas gift i'm looking forward to most is one week sooner than that!!

i bought a new christmas cd at starbucks the other day, and it is quite the mix. there is a version of "favorite things" that i just love to bop around to, and it makes michael just shake his head and laugh at me :) but i like to listen to it and think about all of my favorite things

family, being married, singing, worshiping Jesus, being at the lake, big snowflakes, peppermint mochas, my many wonderful friends, being cozy, reading, snuggling, hot hot baths, writing letters, receiving letters, my 2 kitties, christmas music, louis armstrong, game shows (hehe, i can just picture michael rolling his eyes at that one)... and so many more

raindrops on roses...

1 comment:

Chad said...

I really am waiting for snow, I think im at the point where im going to start praying for it. i havent started even really thinking about Christmas yet. im going to experience my first nonwhite Christmas this year which absolutely weirds me out too.