March 7, 2012

slightly OCD

So I have been realizing lately that I am a bit OCD about somethings.
there are things that I have to do a certain way or just habits that I have created.
Not a big deal, but kind of interesting.

So far none of them are really life altering in a major way, so they are more just quirky I guess..

the first one that comes to mind is this: toilet paper
I am a "over hang" type of toilet paper girl. You know, when you put it on the holder. I like the roll to have the free end hanging over the roll. If it's under, then you are spinning it and not realizing that you're putting all kinds of great toilet paper onto the floor! Also, with my cats, I'm sure they would have a grand time emptying the whole roll (although they feel that way about toilet paper no matter how you hang it). I am so "into" this way of hanging toilet paper that - I will admit - I have, from time to time, changed it if I encounter a roll that is "under". I've done this at work, at stores, gas stations, family members houses and friends houses. So I guess I should formally apologize to anyone who's toilet paper roll I have changed, when they purposefully hung it the other way. It's a bit of an OCD thing...

The next one is this... when I set my alarm at night I am always worried that I'm going to accidentally set it to radio instead of beeping alarm. And I don't wake up to the radio, the song just becomes part of my dream. Also, with my alarm clock, the volume setting that you need to use to hear the radio makes the alarm ear splittingly loud. It is horrible. I have made that mistake and almost made myself deaf. Not a fun way to wake up. So, the button on the side of my alarm clock is like this: OFF - RADIO - ALARM - SET, 4 different spots. So, what I do is this, pull it all the way to the SET position. Double check that it is the right time (even though I almost never change it.. ever) and then I move the button eleven times back and forth until I am SURE it is on ALARM. I have tried not doing it 11 times. But I have developed some what of a rhythm. Every night Michael laughs at me, but I have to do it!! Also, I have to do it right before I go to sleep. If I do it sooner than that, my whole routine is off and I'm sure I must have lost my mind and set it to Radio. So I start the process again. Ridiculous actually...

And third - the one that got me thinking of this post today. I LOVE having an empty inbox. In both my personal email, my work email and my work inbox with mail & to-do things etc. Especially with email - the more full my inbox is, the higher my over all stress level. An empty inbox.. bliss! I leave emails in my inbox only until I have replied to them, or if it's about a date or a get together, I will wait till I go home and write it on the calendar before archiving it. Currently my gmail account has 19 emails in the inbox, one from over a month and a half ago.. and I'm going a little nutty! Good thing life is about more than inboxes, toilet paper and alarms.. right?? :)
Embrace who I am, that's what I figure!

What are your weird habits?


Adrienne said...

I have a "rule" about 10 emails max. in my gmail. It makes me crazy if there are more.

Also, I often feel compelled to NOT set microwaves, alarms, etc. at normal intervals. So I will wake up at 7:01, microwave for 1m42s, etc.

Join me in crazyland...

Joy said...

So.... I like the toilet paper the other way. WHen I got married, I changed hangers it they were hanging backwards on the rack. Now my toilet paper isn't even on a roller - and my hangers are all haphazard!
I have my own OCD tendencies though ... one of them is the alarm clock setting - I move it back and forth too - but only 3 times.
My inbox though ... it must drive you crazy on those days when I have to get you to access it and tell me if someone had emailed.... because I have them from eons ago. No wonder you always tell me to ARCHIVE

we are a crazy lot aren't we.
love Mom