April 14, 2009

here comes the sun... and i say it's alright

so.... i would love to be here right now:
BUT! alas I am not...

however I am simply loving the weather today. it was 27 degrees in the office today, which was far too hot. but, stepping outside after work was simply wonderful.

i came home, put on my rubber boots and just enjoyed being outside. i spread out the remaining snow that is on the front yard, in hopes that by tomorrow evening it will all be gone.

then i decided to clean up the backyard a bit, and then I re-discovered our fire pit! so... i went downstairs, got out the saw I got for christmas from my thoughtful husband :) and went to cutting up a fallen chunk of tree!

after awhile i got a little fire going, and then i went inside... changed into shorts and...

flip flops!

i got out my book, put a towel over my beach/lawn chair... and read my book by my fire!

today was Grandma's biopsy.. and it sounds like it went well. so now we wait and trust. and thank God for the wonderful weather... finally!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hooray for flip flops!

also i love that michael bought you a saw!