April 11, 2009

76... 77... 78!!

today is grandma's birthday.

she is just such a wonderful lady...

you know what i admire about her?

she always puts others before herself, she prays and trusts God with her life, she loves her family so much

she is an amazing baker, and rarely uses recipes. one time i asked her to tell me her recipe for something and she said "well, i normally throw in a pinch of this, and then, well i add flour until it feels right." ... my recipe didn't turn out quite as well!

she always knows my voice on the phone. all i have to say is "hi grandma" and she knows its me! i always thought that was impressive.

she is very humble. she's told me before that her life story isn't very exciting or anything, but when she starts telling me stories... wow.

she is so nervous and scared about whatever is making her sick, but her spirits are still so high. she knows how to joke around and laughs often.

my grandma is just such an amazing lady, and i just love being with her. happy birthday grandma!!

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