January 23, 2009

he will know

wednesday was josh's birthday...
i like to think that God gave us birthdays so that there is at least one time a year that everyone who knows you takes time to just celebrate you. celebrate who you are, where you're at, and the fact that they know you.

wednesday was my day to celebrate my brother. thing is... he may not know... but i celebrate him all the time. i am so thankful for my brother. i am confident that God gave Josh to me as my brother for a very specific reason and purpose. i appreciate him, i learn from him, he challenges me, and he makes me laugh more than most people. he is genuine. he is passionate. he is strong. he is creative. he is my brother.

this year i think it is more important to celebrate him than ever before. this past year was... one word can not even contain what this year was. my best attempt is that this year has been incredibly hard. and so... i celebrate him. and love him. and pray for more hope, and more light and just... celebration.

i bought myself a new cd this week. devotion : steve bell. and i love it. he talks about chasing after God, and how that kind of never ends. devotion. i'm also reading a new book... crazy love : francis chan. i've only read parts of it, but so far have been reminded to just sit and be in awe of God... to remember that God is God, and I can't tell him how to do his job.

i'm sure i will write more about my new cd and my new book, but for now i just want to share this song from the cd.

he will know : byron o'donnell & brian wakelin

when your heart is in despair
he will know
when you feel beyond repair
he will know

when your day is filled with tears
he will hear
when your night is filled with fears
he is near

when this world leaves you behind
he will know
when it all seems so unkind
he will know

1 comment:

Joy K. said...

Hi baby.... this was a beautiful tribute to your big brother Josh. I thank God that he gave Joshua to us first, as I always wanted a big brother, and prayed that one day our daughter would have a big brother too! And God honored that prayer. You and Josh have brought us so much joy as you were growing up. Yes, you had your share of squabbles, but you sure knew how to hang out and laugh alot, and still do. It is with great joy that we watch you and Michael and Josh and Leah together. God gave us a family that we are so proud of and it has been especially through Jay's death, that I realize what a gift we have in one another. I love you all.
Mom xo