January 11, 2013

Signs of a new Mom

I have now been a mom for 8 weeks. EIGHT WEEKS! things are going well over here, we are getting some sleep, drinking lots of coffee and getting to know Matilda's sweet personality.

I was thinking today of all the ways my "normal" has changed and was laughing to myself as I was thinking of some of the things that act as clear evidence that I'm a new mom. So I decided to blog about it.

The first way would actually be the fact that I am writing this post on my iPhone while holding my sweet sleeping baby and bouncing on my exercise ball.

Other ways you can tell I'm a new mom:

Getting dressed for the day now means changing out of the pyjama pants I slept in and putting on new pyjama pants for the day.
which pjs should I wear today...
The day's success is measured in hours of sleep and amount of poop. (Hers not mine, although after you have a c-section it takes the body awhile to get back to normal so you do celebrate your own bathroom victories - maybe that is TMI? Haha)
napping in her swing
Time to myself now consists of going to the bathroom in peace, doing a quick washing of all the bottles and maybe a game of scrabble on my phone (I'm getting pretty good!)
bottles washed and unwashed
If I want to drink my coffee hot it needs to be in a travel mug because it never fails that as soon as I take the first sip Matilda wakes up and I have yet to master the drinking of hot liquids and holding her simultaneously.
starbucks blonde roast brewed and poured into my travel mug
I consider lunch successful if I have eaten by 3pm.

My phone is now full of pictures of Matilda instead of my cats. Not a bad thing!
just smiling at her dad
My hair is going grey. And every time I tell someone they say "ya right" and then they look at my head and say, "oh ya!!" I'm considering just chopping it off into the short spikey silver "do" that women seem to do when embracing their grey. Oy.
some shampoo lovingly given to me by my sister, note the purpose: "for blonde, highlighted, and silver hair." :)
I tape shows like Dr Phil to watch during the day when nothing is on (I like having the TV on in the background, makes me feel less like I'm home alone). I also can tell you the best show to watch at most hours of the day, except for 11am, that time slot is hopeless, perfect time to pull out a book!
just imparting wisdom onto the nation. nbd (or no big deal, that's slang my sister uses)
These things and many more are the signs of a new mom - a role I am loving. I am so thankful for my new normal and for the sweetest little girl to call my own.


Audacious said...

It's a pretty nice way to spend the winter months, I'd say.

Joy said...

Sweet Daughter - you make my heart sing!! So does Matti! In fact my heart sings with all the sweetness in my family - God has truly blessed me with amazing kids and grandkids ...
Oh my heart!!
love mom

Phoebe said...

So glad you're loving it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is so obvious that you are loving it and doing it so well!
Love, MomT

Em said...

I love this! You are doing fantastic! (Oh, and 11-12 is MASH on the history channel, unless you watch it at other times of the day.) ;)