December 18, 2012

one month with our sweet girl

this past Friday marked my sweet girl's one month birthday!

One month ago we were in the hospital gazing at this 8lb 3oz bundle of sweetness that had just entered our lives. 
 we were finally our family of 3 - and we went home slightly blissfully naive about the work (and wonderful bliss) that lay ahead

 our sweet Matti had a hard start - losing weight, having jaundice, having a good latch but not enough b-milk to satisfy her hungry tummy.
 but we spent time learning and getting to know our daughter - learning that she likes to be bounced on the exercise ball, that she likes to spend time alone kicking her legs and checking out everything around her.
 we gave her a bath at home, her first one, and she HATED it - as you can see in this picture. Once her cord stump fell off we started to give her a more relaxing bathing experience - a overly full tub and very warm water - now Matilda loves to lounge in the tub and only cries when you take her out.
 Matilda has spent the month surrounded by so many people that love and care about her. photographing her, videotaping her, talking to her, kissing and cuddling her.
 she is a very alert and easygoing baby - her big blue eyes spend a lot of time checking out everything around her.
 once on formula matilda gained back all the weight she lost and then some - now she is a perfectly chubby babe.
 she is also a good sleeper and for awhile we had to wake her up for every feed - the only nice thing about waking her up from such a deep sleep was watching her move around like she is in this picture
 Matilda has the best Dad ever - and for the last month he has spent every moment he can soaking her up - he is there for diaper changes, feeding times, lots of snuggling and talking with her and he is the best swaddler.
 Matilda loves her change table and is always calm, happy and alert when she's on her table. this is where she started to smile for the first time as early as 2 1/2 weeks (and anyone who says it is gas has obviously never seen her smiling in real life, because she does it when you talk to her!) her is one of her sweet grins.
 we're not all that good at initiating tummy time - but once and awhile she spends time on her tummy and at least one of the cats is there to keep her company.
 sweet little feet
 Matilda has already had 4 baby showers in her honour and has 2 more coming up. This is the cake that was made for her at our church shower!
 being with my sweet girl is my favorite thing in the world. and i also love that she looks so much like her dad :)
 at one month she is much bigger and looking older than she was when she was born!
 she has way too many clothes - so we try to put her in as many outfits as we can - including these cute ruffle butt pants.
 and these ugg like boots that belonged to her cousin Everett.
 just spending time with her dad :)
 one month old - my sweet girl, Matilda Joy - beautiful, easygoing, sweet, lovable - just the best!
 and the best christmas present we could ever have asked for!
... till the next major milestone!!


Anonymous said...

She is just beautiful, so blessed by the family she has. Dorothy Wiens

Audacious said...

So much sweetness! I can't even stand it!

Becky said...

i'm not sure how i missed this post - what a beautiful little girl! so happy for you. :)