August 22, 2012

random thoughts on a wednesday

last year in February I decided to leave Facebook
and I never had a twitter account (although I will admit that I do read some twitter accounts since you can do that without having one, and in particular I find some of the jet's players quite funny!)
so technically my blog and my pinterest are my only "social media" outlets

I haven't missed Facebook, but every now and then I think "hmm if I had a Facebook, I would put this random thought as my status" - and every now and then I miss regaling the world with my random thoughts. so.. on this Wednesday I decided to just post some random tidbits. I'm sure you're all thrilled.. right? :)

*this summer Michael finally got a bike! and we have been loving going on bike rides together on summery days.

*this morning I made the worst smoothie of all time. It tasted like water & bran flakes. But looked like raspberry. Since I'm always running late in the morning, I had no time to make a new one.

*I have never been more in love with air conditioning as I am this summer. it is a life saver!

*my cat, Chips, has started using my pillow as her bed at night.

*my sister, Phoebe, is currently at her "white coat ceremony" on her second day of med-school. I'm watching the live stream at work - look how cute she is in purple :)
*I think my baby was inspired by all the trampolining and gymnastics I watched during the olympics, because it never sits still. This has become my favorite thing to experience!

*I have decided that my favorite 2 things to eat are: licorice (of any kind) and spring rolls from Empress of China. Pregnancy has made this very apparent!

*This past Monday was the day Michael & I started dating, 6 years ago! Which was quickly followed by a lot of 'drama' and 'scandal' as some believed at the time.. I'm so glad we are past all that!!

*Tomorrow I will be 29 weeks pregnant - and I'm getting bigger (although I always imagined I'd have a bigger pregnant belly earlier) and right now (well technically this picture was taken yesterday) I look like this:
*I really enjoy summer TV, although most people probably wouldn't claim to like all of these shows, I really enjoy reality tv! (my summer favorites: big brother, bachelor pad, hell's kitchen, master chef, and I even happen to enjoy the glass house.)

*I actually enjoy going to the dentist - and I am going today! I love having clean teeth.

*I have come to realize that when you are pregnant, people love to tell you pregnancy "horror stories" - mostly about ripping/tearing extremely bad, and pooping. Not sure why anyone thinks this is helpful...?

*I'm convinced mosquitoes are in love with me. The other day I was covered, head to toe in clothes (even socks - and I almost NEVER wear socks) and I even had some bug spray on.. and I got a bite on my hip, my pregnant belly, the palm of my hand and the bottom of my foot. Really?!

*My brother is currently in New York and I am SO JEALOUS. He's been sending me pictures, and it makes me want to go so badly. I'm hoping that maybe Michael & I (and our wee baby) can make a trip to New York this winter.. we shall see. Doesn't it sound so dreamy to be walking in central park, with cozy mittens & scarves, with a sweet baby bundled up in a bjorn snuggled close to mom or dad, drinking a chai latte and taking in the sights?? I will dream..

I am sure there are many more random tidbits I can share.. but it's getting a little lengthy! Hope you enjoyed catching up on my random thoughts, I know you've all been missing hearing them on facebook, right? :)

enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Love your comments - and your cute belly! Thanks for sharing.