January 28, 2010

I've got you covered..

when did the week fly by? I can't believe that tomorrow is Friday, and the last working day of January! i feel like the week flew by mostly because i wasn't working on Monday - the snow was so bad and blustery that I didn't dare get onto the roads. also the snow was piled so high behind my house that when i opened the back door snow poured into my house!

anyway, now it is thursday, and well, i'm not complaining :)

monday night was another bible study session. i had actually done all my "homework" so I felt prepared for the next DVD session. the study is based on and around the tabernacle, and we have been studying what happened from the time of genesis, when God first created man.. all the way to when God instructed the people to build a tabernacle so that he could dwell with them.

in genesis adam and eve lived in the most beautiful garden
filled with the smells of fresh grass, delicious fruits
i imagine rows of grapes, and pomegranates, fresh streams of sparkling clear.. delicious water
the smell after a spring rain where everything smells new and fresh.. i can just imagine them walking around trying to take it all in
the coolest part.. God walked around in the garden with them. he dwelled among them, walking and talking with them.
they were not God, nor were they on the same level as God.. but they were privileged and blessed to dwell with him.
adams job was to guard the garden.. something/someone as crafty as the "snake" should never have been allowed so close to such goodness. but the snake found eve.. and deceived her and adam both, and that was the start of shame & of sin.
suddenly adam and eve were ashamed, they were exposed. suddenly the fact that God walked among them wasn't viewed as a gift, but was viewed with shame and fear.

God still walked among them, but they hid. shame. fear. hiding. Satan started this awful cycle, that still continues very much in the world today, and in my own life. Everything that comes from God is GOOD. but shame, defeat, anxiety, fear.. these are "gifts" from the snake. The devil fills our minds with these things, and tell us TAKE COVER!, hide, don't let God see you how you truly are..

but in the garden, God continued to walk.. and he knew they were hiding in shame. he had created them, and had not covered them with clothes, because they had no reason for shame. God went and killed an animal, to use the skins to clothe adam and eve. the first sacrifice.. not because they needed to be covered, but because God has "got them covered", he continues to supply for their "needs"

how many times in my life do i feel the devils words TAKE COVER! and allow myself to dwell in shame and fear, when at the same time God is walking among us saying I've got you covered

since monday i've had this song in my head:
all of my life, i've been in hiding.. wishing there was someone just like you
now that you're here, now that i've found You
I know that you're the one to pull me through

deliver me.

heaven received another angel this week. a beautiful one, the mother of one of my dear dear friends. my heart has felt so heavy, as we prayed before, we pray again.. Jesus, come and pull them through. with no right answers, and such huge loss i just ask the spirit to pray through groans and tears. Jesus overwhelm the Koops with your love.

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