February 17, 2009

first day!

so i started my new job today... and it was good!

i didn't really sleep well last night, which is partially the cause for a really terrible headache i'm experiencing right now (the other part is maybe the fact that i had a big hot mug of coffee in the afternoon and then no water; not smart!)

i was having one of those nights where your brain feels like it doesn't shut off... like its playing through tons and tons of thoughts and scenarios. at three in the morning i almost shouted out loud: GOD, MAKE MY BRAIN SETTLE DOWN!!!!! (but then realized i would wake my husband, who was very comfortably sleeping). so instead i just said it in my mind as a silent plea/prayer! but alas, when my alarm went off at 6:30 i felt like i had just laid down so my mind wasn't sleeping!

as a postive note, the endless thoughts were pretty funny. last night Shauna and I watched the Bachelor (which i have a love/hate relationship with), and he made the worst decision of the show, kicking off Jillian. so when i fell asleep my mind was making up different scenarios that could happen to the bachelor with different contestants! yikes

but anyway, my new job started today, and that was really good. there are tons of people to get to know, but everyone is really friendly. also i know a good handful of people, so that helps! My cubicle is across from my aunts, and we have a little window between us so we can wave at one another. :)

in the morning i found a little package on my desk, a cute little pink flower/plant from my mother in law. then at coffee break they had cinnamon buns for everyone, and then they gave me my office mug. they found a wonderful and cute pink one, with pink tissue to decorate. and then in the afternoon i was called to the front desk to get a delivery for me... a big balloon bouquet from my parents, with a pile of jellybeans to weight it down. i felt loved and supported!

the rest of the day kinda flew by, afterwork i was killing time waiting for michael, and had a nice conversation with my sister Leah, i just love talking with her and catching up. that is one relationship i do not take for granted. then i walked to mountain bean, where my feet froze on the way (ALWAYS WEAR SOCKS!) and i found the warmest spot by the fire, and warmed up! then before i knew it the most wonderful man showed up to take me home. we decided to stay in tonight because i'm tired, so now we are going to watch dumb and dumber (michael has never seen it!), snuggle up and relax.

today has been good. tomorrow will be loooooooooooooong. but i get to see my mom, and we can exchange looks during our final WEVAS course. what a different evening that will be.

"love it our true destiny. we do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone -- we find it with another."
-thomas merton


grahamandkristy said...

I'm glad the job is off to a good start and I love it that you have such wonderful people in your life. Where are you working now?

Kara said...

sorry, that last comment was from me. I was using my friend's computer. Sorry.

scrapped for you said...

hey ash. call me. i need to vent out my frustrations about the bachelor!!!

Adrienne said...

yeah for new jobs! i'm glad the first day went so well!