October 26, 2008

truth in each circumstance

Human pain does not let go of its grip at one point in time.
Rather, it works its way out of our consciousness over time.
There is a season of sadness. A season of anger.
A season of tranquility. A season of hope.
Robert Veninga

i thought a lot about hope today. we sang a song in church today called "hope of the nations"
and i thought a lot about the lyrics of the song. i find that at church i feel safe, and i feel surrounded by God and i feel like i become more aware of my emotions. maybe its because its so easy to get busy during the week. either way, i find that since Jay died i've cried every week at church and that it seems like there is one more thing i realize that i dont understand, and one more reminder of how and why God is still so good.

Jesus, hope of the nations
Jesus, comfort for all who mourn
You are the source of heavens hope on earth

Jesus, light in the darkness
Jesus, truth in each circumstance...

hope and truth, Jesus is still those things, even though I still don't understand.

today was also our one month anniversary of being married.
our home is feeling more and more like our own home... as we sit here, relaxing, drinking peppermint tea, I am thankful.


Phoebe Thiessen said...

I found it! Hurray! thanks for this entry and I hope that it reminds me to find truth even when it's hard. I love you and i'm so thankful that God gave me you as my sister,
Love Phoebe

Joy K. said...

Ashley, you are a blessing to me, and as I read your blog, I see how you and I are alot alike. Guess that makes sense since we are family. Keep working through it all, and keep reminding yourself that God is always there...through the dark valley and the high mountains. Through the pain and the joy, and we have experienced the two extremes within a very short time. I love that you and MIchael are feeling more at home in YOUR HOME TOGETHER! It is exciting, from a mom's perspective, to see you as a married couple. God is good.
Love you both.