October 26, 2012

the end of a chapter

It's 2:20pm and I'm sitting here at my office desk for the last time! Today is my last day before my 1 year maternity leave starts (well technically I have some holidays next week so my first day of mat-leave will be November 1).

I have had a countdown going on my little sudoku desk calendar - and today it looks like this:

I have trained my replacement, I have created a very thorough manual, I have received numerous well wishes and some generous gifts, and today I went out for lunch with my co-workers for a delicious Empress of China buffet.

Looking at the date I can't help but think about when I first got this job - I was hired in mid-October of 2010 but didn't start until November - it was a hard time to start a job as 2 years ago tomorrow, one of the dearest people in my life went to heaven - my dear sweet Grandma Klassen. I started this job when I was in a time of deep loss and sadness, and now - 2 short years later, I am leaving this job in a time of much excitement, anticipation and a new little life!

I am thankful for this job that I have had over 2 years - I feel like it was a wonderful place for me, working with great people and really finding ways to use my gifts and talents - especially in things that normally aren't as "exciting" to people - like organizing and doing "menial" office tasks - but I love those things and it helps me thrive, and from the many comments & affirmations I have received - other people notice and appreciate it. It has been fun to work so close to home and to have weekly dates with my Mom-in-law, and have pop by lunches with Michael when he is working in the city. I have had coffee dates with my mom and Phoebe and have had a few "going for coffee"s with Everett, Leah & Rogie. I will miss being here - but I am sooo excited that having this "last day" means we are really just playing the waiting game to when this little one decides to make its debut.

My bags are packed, my office is cleaned out, and now we just wait in anticipation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on doing your job well and thriving and on finishing well. In other words, well done!
Mom T