June 15, 2012

a few words

what a whirlwind of a week since last week Thursday.

Last thursday at 5:30pm I left Winnipeg with both of my mom's and my sister Phoebe for a 14 hour, thru the night, road trip to Calgary. Let me tell you, doing that.. is not a GREAT idea if you are pregnant. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom almost immediately after a bathroom stop, so on the way home I deprived myself of water which resulted in a severely dizzy and nauseated self. Live and learn. So the drive wasn't the best thing in the world BUT the company was great, and the purpose for the trip - a Beth Moore Living Proof Live conference - was well worth it. I still have to sit with my notes purposefully and really digest the things that she was talking about.

Beth Moore made a couple of points that really resonated with me (well more than a couple) but two that have stood out more in my mind without purposefully going back to my notes to think on it. The first is about when God gives us a "word" - basically when you're at church, or reading your bible or in conversation and all of a sudden you have an "aha!" moment of sorts where you think to yourself, "wow God, that was said just for me." Have you ever had a Sunday morning where the Pastor's sermon seems so perfectly catered to you and where you're at that you almost feel like saying "ok, everyone can go home because this sermon is obviously for ME!"? Well that is what she meant by a "word". Anyway, she talked about how if we don't guard that word, and make an effort to really let it plant itself deeper in our hearts and minds, that the bird of prey is just waiting to devour it. And before you know it, the bird of prey will sweep down and snatch up your word before you even realize it, or think twice about it. And then it's gone. So from that.. the importance of guarding the things God gives us. More digesting of that will happen, but I wanted to put it out there that it resonated with me before the bird of prey even stole that little aha!

The second one was the reality of Satan and his power. She talked about the fact that Satan's goal in this world is to try and copy everything that God is doing. In Genesis (and other times in the bible) it talks about God walking the earth. Later in the bible (job 1:7) it says this: “Where have you come from?” the Lord asked Satan.
Satan answered the Lord, “I have been patrolling the earth, watching everything that’s going on." 
Satan is also walking the earth. He tries to replicate what God does and deceive us. Beth talked about how in the Bible Satan is described as a roaring lion looking to devour. So often I think we forget the fact that Satan has power. Of course he is no where near as powerful as God, but he is powerful. And he is crafty. And he is working over time. Beth talked about how Satan is constantly working to be right in our face, right in our way. The reality of his menacing presence was made more aware to me when she said "He is so close, you can feel his mane on your neck, feel his breath on your face, hear his growl in your ear." But even better than that, the reality of God's supreme power was made even more aware to me when Beth talked about us taking our ground back, giving God the glory and power, and the fact that when we do that, when we acknowledge God's supremity in our lives - Satan is forced to watch. He has no choice but to see us throw it back in his face. He may be strong, but in the end, he is not victorious. How awesome is that??

So yes, there is a lot to digest still, but those were my two initial things that really resonated with me. 

Since being back, the week has been full, a lot of going and coming. We made some progress on our basement renovations, even got the treadmill & tv set up again in the basement. We also set up our first piece of nursery furniture, and moved most of the stuff out of the guestroom, which will soon be the nursery. Things are coming along!!

I just realized that I started this post with the intention of it going in a completely different direction.. so, there is likely to be a second post today. Part of the result of a busy week I suppose :)

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