May 7, 2009


i'm home sick with my cold again
i sit underneath an air conditioner vent at work.. so i hope that this cold won't happen more than once this summer.

i left work early so that i can get some sleep, and at confusion corner i witnessed an accident
the light turned green, and the two cars a head of me started to drive through the intersection
then this little red car decided to keep driving through the RED light

they hit the truck so hard that it lost a chunk of its bumper and did more than a 360, after the car hit the truck it then hit the side of another car

all because he decided he could go even though it was red
it just made me so mad
those other drivers were just going about their normal day and then that one person decided that they were in more of a rush than everyone else and changed the whole course of their day
i think that everyone was ok, i saw the people that were in the car/truck that got hit, and they were both ok, although i wasn't sure about the one that went through the red light.

i hope that everyone was ok and that that person learned to just take life a little slower and to be more careful.

now i'm off to take a long nap.

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