March 20, 2009

my Jesus, and my favorite shoes.

i just love days like this

it's kind of cool outside, the air is crisp and you can smell the rain (or the rain that will be coming)

i'm wearing my favorite shoes today. they are by no means the prettiest shoes, or the most supportive or the best for your feet... no, they are worn out, little flats from zellers. blue with salt stains on the sides. a little white/rainbow elastic on the top right behind the rubber toe. when i wear these shoes, my feet are guaranteed to get a little dirty, because the poor little rubber soles can't hold much at bay anymore. these are my favorite shoes. and i feel comfortable wearing them.

i like things like that.

God, he is my favorite. being with him in no way guarantees me the prettiest life, the most carefree or happy. my relationship with him isn't always the best (on my part), and at times i'm a little worn out. my heart has nicks and scratches, and stains on it... showing a good almost 24 years of living. God gave me extra things to make me a little special, bright blue eyes and one little freckle on my nose. being with God doesn't mean that he holds everything at bay, keeping me carefree and problem free. but he is my favorite. and i feel comfortable and safe with him. and he always walks beside me, never ever leaving me.

i like days like this. my God, he is the everlasting.

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