April 11, 2013

Life these days...

There has been so much going on these days!
We sold our house and we have to be out by April 26!! I have realize I am not good at packing - and I have never had to pack to live in transition. We will be starting to build our house soon - but it's not ready for us yet!!
My house is currently just rooms full of boxes and piles of things. There are sticky notes on my cupboards. I have endless lists. It's all a bit of a chaotic mess!

But things are still good around here because I have a sweet girl to keep me company!
Matilda is constantly growing and changing. She has the best personality! She laughs a lot and loves to chat. She is snugly after a nap or after I get home from being away from her.
She is exploring the world around her - biting on toys, swatting at everything.
She loves to sit in the bumbo and watch me in whatever I'm doing. She loves to stand in her exersaucer or just sit on a lap.
She has started using her jolly jumper and today she even realized she can sort of bounce around (so far she has just been standing in it). She really makes all of life better and if Mike and I aren't with her - we are talking about her!!
Other things are making us so thankful - the retreat house is done and it was a surreal and overwhelming moment for me when mom cut the ribbon - making it official!
I have started and deleted many a blog post these days. Getting caught up in wanting to hash out issues in my mind - only to realize that it wouldn't do me any good! I have been reminded of the importance of not being completely transparent on my blog. Not that things need to be hidden or dishonest - but that some things are meant to be shared only among a close circle of peers and confidants. Not the whole Internet world! So, instead, those of you who read this are just getting a little update from me! One day when I'm not packing or unpacking, I will try to write something thought provoking or "intelligent" but for now you just simply get to hear about life over here!

1 comment:

Andrea Wiebe said...

#1 - That is a fantastic facial expression she's making in that one photo! (top right in the set of three where she's eating the giraffe)

#2 - We just moved as well, I hear ya about the chaos! Good luck!

#3 - You're hott stuff in that last picture! (and with an adorable baby to boot!)

:) Andrea