December 31, 2011

being me?

ever feel like you're stuck between two worlds?
sometimes i feel young, like I am just on the cusp of so many new beginnings
and other times I find myself feeling older than my 26 years

I guess I am somewhat of a mixture of the two
just sometimes i feel like i should spend a lot of time explaining myself rather than just being myself. however, that could likely just be my own insecurity.

with the new year about to start in just a couple of days i've been thinking about the idea of resolutions. some years i've made more "extreme" resolutions (one year i didn't eat fries, chocolate or drink pop for the whole year... the year was not as tasty as it could be!!) and other years i don't even give it a second thought to even contemplate making any. this year i'm thinking, maybe i should make a resolution to find ways to just be me - to enjoy it and to grow in confidence.

i'm feeling like this is making more sense in my head...

time for bed!

on a different note.. my husband is the world greatest drummer.
super talented & just loves playing. watching him makes me smile the whole time. he is great!


Joy said...

To my dear daughter.
I think you have hit the nail on the head about just being you .... and also about the world's greatest drummer!!
I love you.
I am also looking at the year ahead. :)
love mom

i love you to the moon and back.

Audacious said...

No chocolate? If I did that I'd have to ingest something stronger to get me through a trying work day. Not sure the Mennonites would take kindly to that :-)