February 22, 2010

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you

psalm 63:3 (NIV)

i love to sing
sounds like a simple statement, but really, truly, i LOVE to sing.
i love to sing in the car, in the shower, at my piano, with my guitar.
i love to sing at the lake when the boat is going so fast that it drowns out the sound of my voice.
i love to listen to my ipod & sing along as if everyone else can hear whats in my ears.
i love to sing on worship teams, in practices, early in the morning, later in the evening.
i love to sing in community, with people I know, and with people I don't know.
i love to sing with people who are so into the song that they don't even realize they're singing the wrong notes.
i love to sing when i'm all alone.
i love to sing in choirs, and duets & trios.
i just really, truly, love to sing.

this weekend i was at red rock bible camp with my mother-in-law & sister-in-law, as well as an aunt & two cousins (from the thiessen side), and we spent time singing together before each session.

i am a firm believer in really meaning what you are singing. Ok, sometimes I sing along to the songs on the radio, more for the fun than for the actual words caught in a bad romance.... for example! catchy song, but I'm not singing it for the words. What i was talking about though, is when it comes to worship

when i was on outtatown (formally called SOD) I had decided to go on a "singing fast", because I could think of nothing that was more valuable to me that I could "give up" for a time to really focus on Jesus. when you love something a lot, it can very easily become a source of pride, at least for me. I remember when I had started to sing again, and I struggled so much during one worship session. We were singing the song "Hungry" i'm falling on my knees.. offering all of me, Jesus you're ALL this heart is living for, and I wept and wept and wept. Because there was so many other things going on. so many distractions and meaningless things. Nothing "dramatic".. as i've never really been much of a rebel! but my heart could not sing those words, saying that all my heart was living for was Jesus. I so badly wanted to, but it wasn't honest. I loved him then (and love him now!) but he did not reign over all else in my heart.

since then, worship has become one of my main communication forms with Jesus. it is my passion to sing, so why wouldn't I use that as my main way to be passionate for Jesus? I've come to the decision that when I sing, I don't need to have it all together, but rather use the words as a re commitment, a plea to God to continue helping me make these words ring true for me.

this weekend our "theme song" was Amazing Love. i sort of groaned inside when I heard that because this song in my mind has been over played and over used. to the point that I don't think people realize the words anymore. they know how to sing it without once thinking about what they are saying (not all people, but i think that's what happens when the profound words become over used and almost "normal"). So I decided to really dwell on the words as we sang it
i'm forgiven BECAUSE you were forsaken
i'm accepted, you were condemned
i'm alive & well, YOUR spirit LIVES(!) within ME
because you died & rose again

how can it be?
that YOU my king would DIE for ME.
amazing love
I KNOW it's true
it's my JOY to honor you
in ALL I do, I honor you

Jesus, you are my king.

i was struck by the lines "I know its true" "it's my JOY" & "You are my KING"
this weekend i had my eyes opened to a stumbling block that has been in my way for awhile, a block that has somehow multiplied itself so that it's more like a wall between me & my Jesus. but the wall does not need to remain! because i KNOW that God's love is true. and when I truly believe this.. I can see Jesus - and I literally picture him in his sandals & with his long hair (I really do wonder what Jesus actually looked like, since all I can picture are the Sunday School images!) picking up blocks and throwing them till them smash into pebbles. kicking down the wall & singing. destroying my wall, not in anger but in genuine affection. oh, believe me.. reveling in this love & this beloved destruction, oh, it is my joy!

you don't just walk away from strongholds after 1 decision, or one worship session. it would be foolish of me to believe that. but asking Jesus to help me smash these blocks, this is me asking him & proclaiming to him, that I want him to be my KING. & thanking him for the Joy that comes with honoring him as such.

amazing love. i know it's true. it's my joy to (try my best.. getting up every time i stumble) honor You, my King.

So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open,
drinking in your strength and glory.
In your generous love I am really living at last!
My lips brim praises like fountains.
I bless you every time I take a breath;
My arms wave like banners of praise to you
Psalm 63:2-4 (The Message)


Becky said...

beautifully put, Ashley...

from one song-lover to another!

Joy K. said...

Ashley - from the time you could sing - you SANG from your heart. I think God gave you an extra dose of music within you!! I also remember your time at OUTTATOWN - and your fast from singing...
I also love the song that you blogged about - and agree that it has become somewhat familiar -
HOWEVER it almost always makes me weep...

Keep worshipping Sweetheart - God continues to heal our hearts through us coming into his presence. May God continue to give you a song - and me too!

And perhaps you and dad can sing together around your piano sometime soon again - he loved doing that with you.

I love you... Keep worshipping our Lord!! And perhaps you can share more about your weekend away, when we have lunch together.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...i really like this and I truly love you!

Chad said...

i could sing of your love forever God!

I love to sing, i love to hear you sing, I want to hear the angels sing and hear us joining in there song.

thankyou for singing for the Lord, letting your worship break your walls even if it seems like its one brick at a time.